Just how lost our kids are these days 😭😭

So good afternoon guys, I (15M) was in CC Zahia for a day out to drop my brother off to meet his friends. I was bored the whole day so I just went to their Geekay franchise to look at action figures and the figures I saw there were pretty great and I was just talking to people in the store and just exchanging opinions about figures with people and then these kids walk in and start running their mouths on about how their girlfriends don’t like them as much or sm shit like that 😭 and this one guy in particular is trying so hard to tell them that his girlfriend likes him and shit. And I swear these kids were like younger than me by a lot more too. Like atleast 12–14 deadass guys 😭 Too genuinely different worlds 😂 One guy’s looking at action figures and geeking over them the others are talking about their relationship statuses. What has this country’s youth gone to lmao. Anyway baiii