Looking to move to Dubai!
I want to start by saying I hope anyone reading this is doing good😊 I worked as a QA for TikTok until march this year when we got blindsided and laid off! I have experience in working with quality analysis and quality assurance in the data ,tech and service field! Along with other experiences. When I got laid off , my wife got a job offer in Luxembourg and we have since moved and live on the border!
Anyone who lives in the west knows the job market is soo cooked and I can assume it may be the same in the UAE but I’m still reaching out to see if anyone can help with advice , connect with people or if anyone can refer me to roles etc!
My main goal for this is mainly due to my being a revert and my wife is a born Muslim c I have always dreamt of living in a Muslim country! I know Dubai has its cons but still it’s somewhere I think I would love to live with my partner for at least a while.
Anyways hope someone can help and if it at the very least dm me and maybe I can make some friends as I am taking my wife their in February for her birthday so would be nice to know ppl there
Thanks for reading 😊