Got rear ended during RTA final road test

I just turned 18 in July and I was very excited to finally get my driving license. Driving was a first time experience for me, it was really exciting. I got perfect score on my theory and passed all the other test like internal assessment and rta parking test on my first try. My driving instructor did tell me that I am a good driver and I was starting to believe that as well. I gave my rta final road test 2 times and failed. During the first time I failed cuz I wasn't able to operate the horn on time keep in mind I was standing still on a service road and the the guy in front of me decided to reverse. I thought the guy obviously knows I am standing behind him so he will not hit my car. While he was reversing he did get awfully close to my car and before I knew it the rta examiner had his hands on the horn and was turning my wheel to the side a bit. It was a minor mistake but I still failed nonetheless, didn't think much of it and booked my second test. My second test was at 8 in the morning during peak hours. I was doing everything perfectly and driving how the instructors taught until a car suddenly decides he wants to go right. He was standing in the u turn lane and suddenly decided to switch lanes really quickly. When I saw the car coming I panicked and braked, but I braked a Lil too hard and the car behind me was really close and the driver was on their phone. Keep in on mind it was a really busy road, I was prolly going about 30 or 35. I braked a bit too hard out habit cuz the car I learned on had a light brake so you needed to put a bit pressure on the brake however the rta cars brake was light and out habit and panic I pressed the brakes. I hate my life, I don't want to drive anymore, the instructor who was with me didn't help at all as he started insulting me in Arabic, I am Indian but I understand Arabic cuz I got alot of Arab friends. Obviously he didn't know I knew Arabic and the other guys who were giving the test with me were also Indian. My parents didn't help aswell as they gave me a 3 hour lecture. I understand I shouldn't have suddenly braked, I know some it was my fault but the driver behind me could have stopped in time if she wasn't busy looking at her phone. I never want to go near a car ever again, I hate this, I have always been good at everything, always done everything perfectly, how can I mess this up sooo bad. I don't know what to do anymore