Someone gave me a free meal and calling card
Hi! I am just new here in UAE and decided to buy some food. I don’t know how to distinguish what nationality a person is because it’s my first time living in another country. I am only about 2 months here.
So, yeah, as I was finding the place I saw on google maps a man wearing an all white clothes (forgive me, I do not know what this is called) said some greetings to me and I greeted back and proceeded to find this cafeteria. Coincidentally, he went there first because I was checking out the name outside the store to verify if it is really what I am looking for.
Then he ordered, I am next to him. He asked what I will be buying then bought it for me. He took out a calling card gave it to me. I can’t understand what he was saying cause he was murmuring.
What does this mean??
My auntie said before hand not to talk to anyone and if they give me something, don’t accept it for they will think I am a hooker. I forgot this the moment of encounter.
I am so afraid after realizing this and almost run going home.
Does this mean I am a hooker? 😭
Editing this post:
Again, I am new here and not really aware of the unspoken rule that if someone bought you a food and gave a calling card then you are a hooker (based on the most upvoted comments). You can stop labeling me as a hooker cause I didn’t slept with the man.