On scales, sourdough, and your unique skills as barter

While taking a comfy poop, I was running through prepper scenarios in my head... as you do after reading on r/TwoXPreppers all morning while living with immense anxiety regarding the ever-devolving state of the country on a daily basis. I saw a post where someone was giving her preps as a nurse, knowing that her medical skills (and the supplies that go with them) would be useful barter.

I thought, what are my useful skills that I could offer as barter to my neighbors? Of all the things I do, the one that will be the most useful in the most likely scenarios is going to be baking bread.

I don't typically bake sourdough bread because it's finnicky and I still have to work a job and stuff. I like to bake yeasted breads because they're tasty and reliable. But in a SHTF scenario, where is the yeast coming from? So, I'm going to feed up a sourdough starter and dry it out. tips on storing a sourdough starter here Then, it's tradeable, reliable as a backup, and long-term-storage-able.

And I thought, in this scenario, I'm not going to have enough flour to feed all my neighbors. They're going to have to bring me flour if they want bread. I'll have to have a way to measure it reliably. And I love my digital kitchen scale, but it's kinda dying out and batteries are not always pillage-able or long-term-storage-able. I googled with no solid answers, but is there such thing as an analog scale that has precision to at least 10g, that isn't expensive as frick like for commercial use?

I feel like a scale would be so useful in a lot of situations, but especially for baking. So if you hadn't considered the need for a scale at home... maybe consider that.

Lastly, what are your unique skills for barter? What materials will you have to prep extra of in order to make use of your unique skills? I would love to hear what everyone is able to contribute... maybe some of us forgot some skills we might be able to make use of.