Argument with mother over washing period underwear

My home, my washing machine, my rules. She's just visiting. What is the point of living in today's world if I can't throw period underwear in the washing maching??! And I was washing them separately from all others clothes. Apparently "particles" will get stuck inside the machine. We didn't speak for the majority of the day today. I used the washing machine anyway, she got offended when I told her "not your home. Don't come here, all you do is criticize and shout at me." And gave me the silent treatment as she always does. It's a new thing everyday. Yesterday I was wasting my time getting a box down from the loft (wanted it to store stuff). Today morning it was why is there so little money in your account. Cooking arguments are daily. And in the afternoon period shaming. And then whatsapped me an inspirational message "Don't let anyone provoke even if they try very hard to provoke you". Bloody, you don't provoke me!