How do you deal with family that’s super restrictive and tries to control what you wear?

I went shopping with my bro today but before leaving he told me to change. I asked why and he just said he didn’t like it. I told him it doesn’t matter I like it so I’m wearing it. He got mad and said my bra strap was showing and that he wont go out with me like that. I told him that’s his issue, not mine. Then he tried to give me a t shirt to wear. My mom took his side saying I shouldn’t wear it. I told her not to interfere..I don’t need fashion advice from someone who isn’t my age and doesn’t understand modern trends. She kept saying my top was “too deep” (it was literally just a V neck not too deep). My bro kept yelling and I told him he doesn’t own me or get to control what I wear.

Anyway after all that..we still went shopping but when I came home and showed my mom what I bought, she acted like I did something shameful. Now both of them are ignoring me and apparently body shaming me behind my back. Tbh I felt a little insecure and guilty while shopping just bc of how they reacted even though my outfit was completely normal I felt so insecure and anxious around people. Also, we live in a tier 1 city. I already feel left out when I wear stuff that’s outdated or doesn’t make me feel confident but my family wants me to dress like I’m some aunty in her 40s. And the biggest joke? My same brother calls every girl in western clothes a “baddie” if she looks good. The hypocrisy is crazy lol. Idk what to do but this really got to me.

Edit : Also, my brother makes disgusting comments while disguising them as jokes, he says that I don’t deserve to eat 'healthy food.' Whenever my dad brings smt good home, he’s like ‘Don’t take it you don’t deserve it.’ I have some health issues and my doctor told me to start eating non veg but for some reason that made my brother jealous. He was like ‘You don’t deserve it, don’t eat it. You think you’ll be healthy just bc you eat chicken? Lol.’ He makes me feel really bad about myself and when I call him out he just says it was a joke. My parents never say anything to him ..if anything they take his side and shame me even more. And the biggest irony? This same brother supports his other female friends helps them with their careers, gives them gym advice, gifts, and all that. But when it comes to me, I have to ask his permission just to eat ice cream which was bought for all of us.