Colour theory, colourism and gossip aunties

Until a few years ago, there was a prominent narrative that saying that some colours won't suit people of certain complextion is colourism. Many women used to share their experiences about some older woman (mother, aunt, saleswoman, neighbour) telling them that some colour won't suit their complexion.

But now it is repackaged as colour theory and it is acceptable. Some influencers have taken to applying products on friends or family with different complexions to display how the same shade looks different on others.

Isn't that what the those aunties too said? U Is it wrong because aunties are direct and tactless? "Yellow doesn't suit you" or "blue makes you look dark" is racism, colourism and all -isms but when some young woman in stylish makeup and clothes say that "this shade washes you out" or "this shade makes you look dull", people praise them, "Yaaas kween, calling a spade a spade! Show them".

So aunties were right all along 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️