How do you deal with marriage talks?
I have a fairly orthodox family. I have just turned 22 and they are already speaking about starting arrange marriage search in a few months. I am just starting out with my career. I have no interest in getting married right now. Probably 4/5 years later. But definitely not now.
But My mother, maasis and naani are obsessed with my wedding. My naani already has few good rishtas ready. They keep asking me do I have anyone in mind, or if I'm dating anyone, which I'm not. (Even if I was, I won't tell them) I have tried telling them that I don't want to get married etc. But they can't seem to stop.
My thing is, I get really awkward whenever someone is speaking about my wedding. I immediately want to cry. Every time they talk about it, it makes me feel like a burden on my family.
Also, FYI, all of these women were in their mid/late 20s and had Amazing careers going when they got married. But now they are all putting pressure on me.
No matter what I do, they are not going to stop talking about it. I just want some tips on how to keep calm and just ignore it.
P.S. - Thank you everyone for your responses. To everyone telling me to go for a masters degree, I am already pursuing one. Also, planning to move out by the end of this year. I just need tips to deal with this at the moment.