It’s actually heartbreaking hearing that someone who isn’t conventionally attractive, won’t get hired.
Short real life story, and I've felt this as of lately.
A girl came into a friends of mine work today, she's in her 20s, dropped her resume and she had a photo of herself on the resume. She was also applying for a position of attending the bar.
So anyways, my friend was asked by someone who deals with the hiring if she "looks like that" my friend said yes.
Mind you, the girl wasn't skinny, she was a heavier weight.
What does the hiring manager say?
"Then it's a no" (mind you, the hiring manager is gay).
So basically, a person lost out a chance of work, and sheer rejection, solely based on the way they look, not on their skill set.
It's pretty disgusting and really disgusting how shallow people can be.