Dating men is not fun
I swear, they all follow the same damn script. They say all the right things—flirty, consistent, making plans like they actually mean it. Then, a day or two before the date? The weird little boy behavior activates.
• Suddenly too busy to text.
• No more likes on posts or pictures.
• Compliments? Gone.
• Just overall fading into the background like a weak-ass ghost.
Then the date comes, and surprise, surprise—they miss it or just straight-up flake with zero explanation. No apology, no excuse, just dodging questions like a guilty dog that ate the couch.
And when I finally send the “let’s just stop here” text? Now I’m the bad guy. Suddenly I’ve “broken their heart” or they hit me with “I wasn’t looking for anything serious.”
NEITHER WAS I. I just wanted you to show up to the thing YOU AGREED TO. I’m not asking for a relationship—I’m asking for 5% effort for a simple little date, not 20% effort just to figure out if you’re blowing me off.
So yeah, I’m done. I’m going back to my hobbit hole and I’m not coming out until a handsome person falls from the sky.