The assumption that women are being used for sex, as if women don’t enjoy it too
I heard this both from men and women, and I just wanna know if I’m missing anything here?
Im a woman who enjoys sex quite a lot, more than many men. I have the ability to separate it from an emotional bond. I had quite a few FWB situations and frankly I’ve been on the side where the other party catches feelings many times. I have too, but rarely, I think it’s a risk that comes with the arrangement.
Now I understand people have different values and different ways they wanna live, I’d never judge anyone for how they live their own life. But one thing that gets on my nerves is people immediately jump to the conclusion that “the guy is using me”. Why is it not that I’m using them? I’m getting pleasure from it, I’d never be with them if I didn’t. What is he using me for if we’re both getting what we agreed on?
I feel like people just immediately assume women are just emotional and only sleep with someone if they have feelings for them, that they’re not actually enjoying the physical side. They just assume the guy is a player, they don’t have feelings and just manipulate to get what they want. To me, it’s an unfair assumption for both parties.
Edit: I just want to apologise for my English as I’m not a native. I also wanna say that I am not from and I don’t live in the US. I grew up in a heavily misogynistic society, I moved to a liberal country and worked so hard to unlearn the beliefs I was subjected to.
Ive seen many comments saying “but women have been historically.. but men constantly brag about…etc.” and it’s true. But in my opinion, as a feminist woman myself, what good does it serve us to operate within the system? It’s good to be aware, but how are we gonna get rid of the misogyny if we’re gonna be operating under it ourselves? And frankly I am very selective about my FWBs even. I don’t want to be associated with a misogynist in any capacity. It can happen, but I do my best. Growing up in a culture that’s 500 years behind the US, trust me I can recognise the patterns.
I also want to add that I am in no way denying the fact that many women are being used by men. And it’s horrible. I have been used in the past. That’s not what I’m talking about here tho