Ladies, when you’re having sex with your partner, how often do you have an orgasm, honestly?
I was recently having sex with my partner of 9 years and I just could not orgasm. We tried toys, different positions, etc but I could not get over the line. There was plenty of foreplay! My partner and I read “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski and I believe that I had a lot of mental “breaks” that evening i.e. I just got a promotion/new job, I was supposed to go to a friends are exhibition but forgot about it and remembered during sex and so on.
It made me wonder… how often are you truly having orgasms during sex with your partners, husbands, significant others, one night stands and so on?
Edit: I am at work and can’t reply but wanted to add that I’m also on SSRI’s!
Second edit: Thank you ALL so much for your amazing responses. It’s been amazing reading about all of your experiences. I think I should add some content to my initial post and add that I’m a CSA survivor so intimacy is quite difficult for me (as it is for so many of you).
My partner and I have had sex therapy before and it really helped us! I don’t know what is going on lately but I just can’t get over the line, when usually it isn’t a problem. I really appreciate everyone’s different perspectives and I’ve really enjoyed reading about how everyone experiences sex and orgasms differently. It’s very interesting.