Changing lanes in my life.
For about four years, I have been saving to have some plastic surgery. A "mommy makeover". Perkier boobs, tummy tuck to get rid of the loose skin and stretch marks I have left from bearing three children. Money has just been taken out of my account into a separate fund. There is now about $30,000 in there. Enough to book the surgeries I wanted.
I went and had a consultation with a plastic surgeon yesterday. As I talked with him about nipping here and tucking there and putting things back where they were before children.... I just had this moment where I felt kind of outside of myself looking in. And there was a little voice telling me"how is this going to serve your life?". And I realized. It won't. Perky boobs and a flat stomach just don't seem that important anymore. Maybe because I've been in therapy the last few years. Maybe its because I've gotten older and more comfortable in my skin.
I was driving away from that appointment, and I was driving by the university where I got my nursing degree. On impulse I pulled over. I went into the admissions office. I made inquiries about the masters program. Got some information and then drove home.
So this morning, I went online and applied. I've decided that the $30,000 is now going to go towards furthering my education and personal growth. And I feel so at peace with it. Better than I felt in a long time.
I don't believe in God or fate or anything like that, but there's definitely that tingling feeling right now of maybe this is the way it was supposed to be all along. I thought I needed to "fix" my body... but now I think my body is just fine, and I would rather grow my mind and my career.
Life works in mysterious ways❤️