Quick reminder, never believe what you see on social media. Today I got confirmation that my “ex” who was manipulative, is in fact still manipulative.
For a decent while, I got strung along by someone for a whole year. I was their emotional support animal, that's how I was treated. It started with love bombing, gaslighting, etc. And this person wearing a mask, and chasing after me. I didn't know the real them, and I was a toy.
Up until I got discarded, out of the blue, just like that, and suddenly they had a new girl.
That didn't last, then they came back to me, playing victim again, and establishing that trauma bond again with me further, and also to use me again.
I finally then reached out (after decent space and time), to the "ex" -- turns out, they're in fact an awful person, and quite unhinged and I dodged a bullet. And that ex, was driving daddy's car, works at a grocery store, and quite literally a compulsive liar. Just lies about everything.
And I wasn't the only one treated bad, but so was she.
And now that same "ex" paints the picture they're in fact very much happy, and having a great life, yet it's far from the reality I was led to believe, because it was all a lie.
So a daily reminder, never believe what you see on social media, and more often people "can" change, but they rarely do, they just mask better.