Anyone else seen as stupid because they’re introverted
I’m a 20 year old woman who is probably a 4-5/10 in looks. I’m pretty introverted and don’t speak much. However people nearly always assume it’s because I’m stupid. I’m currently taking a college class and it has a lot of work together problems in it. I have a hard time paying attention in groups so I just work by myself. I shared a quiz score I got with the 3 other girls at the table and they were all shocked and starting laughing like “OP got a better score then me?!” They said I seem like I’m confused and lost every class despite me not saying a word to them. This has happened in jobs too where despite good performance coworkers would call me stupid. Not because of anything I said just because I’m quiet. Anyone else experience this? I hear a lot about how unattractive male introverts are seen but not woman.