What are some of funniest disconnects between the media itself and fandom?
I was reading Chainsaw Man and I got to Chapter 2 where Makima tells Denji he's not allowed to revoke his consent and also threatens to kill him. I assumed something that fucking crazy would happen later based on some of the fandom. It's very interesting how little people seemed to even remotely think about the very overt themes in Chainsaw Man, though I guess it's Evangelion all over again.
It made those cosplayers who were tweeting/skeeting how "omg I didn't know what Makima did I'm disgusted!" ten times funnier to me. I made a comment a while ago saying I bet the exact same thing would happen if Berserk came out in 2020, with people cosplaying Griffith. Just these complete disconnects via not even engaging in the material or refusing to think about what a story is about can create funny interactions sometimes.
On a more personal note, I once talked to a CompSci bro at university about Whiplash. He was astounded I thought the movie had interesting themes of abuse and summed up his thoughts by telling me, "what do you mean? It's just a cool movie!" Anyone else have experiences like this?