VODs and Highlights update broke twitch studio!!
I've been exporting all my highlights and cleaning up my Twitch video producer page (post title is wrong) so I can export my latest streams from the last two weeks.
And now I've realized that Twitch works worse than before the update.
For starters, if you try to go past page 10-15 in the video list, it stops working, and you have to change the sorting option from descending to ascending (or vice versa). But if you have enough pages, you might end up with some "middle" pages that you just can't access. (I've already deleted all my highlights, so it's not an issue for me anymore, just something I noticed.)
The real problem is that I now have two weeks of streams that I couldn't highlight or export. When I try to highlight a section, it doesn't show up as "processing" like it did before the update. I just have to assume I did it correctly and wait for it to appear in my studio page. It makes no sense.
Is anyone else experiencing this?