Need help with ecler eternal fader (Hak 360)
Just bought a hak 360 from a friend. Mixer is in good condition. I keep seeing posts of people saying the ecler eternal is the best fader of all time for scratching. Yet even with the curve knob all the way to the right and the cut in adjusted for small space, I still find my cuts sounding odd. Like I’m having a hard time doing all my scratches or my flares don’t sound as clean. When I used the magvel pro fader I felt I could do all my scratches with ease and it blew me away. Reminds me of the pro x fade back in the day. It was even better than the newest innofader. The ecler eternal fader feels very light. I feel the potential is there but maybe I’m missing something? Do I need to get used to it? Or should I allow a little more space on the cut in? Not sure what I’m doing wrong here but after reading all these posts, I was expecting an experience that would surpass the magvel pro and innofader.