full hormone test results - F 32
Hi all! My husband (40) and I (32) have been trying for a year with no luck. I have just taken a full hormonal test and posted the results below and scheduled a doctors appt.
Unfortunately, where w are living now the wait is almost a month and after seeing my results I'm quite worried.
Wondering if any ladies out there have been in the same boat with similar blood work that can share some knowledge and information so maybe I can be a little more prepared for my Dr's appt. I really don't understand my results at all but i knew they wont be great because I don't get my period regularly. Also, my husband got checked and his Dr said everything is normal for him.
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL 1.31 nmol/L (0.48 - 1.85)
FREE T3 4.14 pmol/L (2.62 - 5.69)
FREE T4 14.38 pmol/L (9.0 - 19.04)
Progesterone < 0.5 ng/mL (Normal Menstruating Females
FSH 5.63 mIU/mL (Follicular phase (3.03 - 8.08)
LH 23.99 mIU/mL
DHEA-S 5.13 umol/L (2.6 - 13.9)
TSH 0.50 uIU/mL (0.35 - 4.94)
E2- Estradiol 44 pg/mL
Prolactin 292.7 uIU/mL (108.8 - 557.1)
SHBG 16.5 Low nmol/L (19.8 - 155.2)