In-laws told the entire family about my miscarriage.

Can someone let me know if I’m overreacting or not? In November, I found out I was pregnant. It just so happened to be when my in laws were in town. Because I’m so close with them, my husband and I decided to tell them- with the stipulation to not tell anyone in case we have a miscarriage (my husband and I are very private and not comfortable sharing with people our traumas). About a week later we get a video of my in laws telling my brother in law. I was a little upset, but wasn’t offended because it’s my husband’s brother and kind of assumed it would slip. Then a few days later I learn my brother in law’s girlfriend knows. Fast forward to our first ultrasound, we were told no fetal pole was found, and baby’s growth was 2 weeks behind…MMC. After our confirmation appointment a few days later we called my in laws to tell them the news. They were obviously devastated alongside with us. Because we had told NO ONE, I went to lunch with my best friend that afternoon to tell her what was happening and to get support from someone close to me. On my way home from lunch I got phone calls from my husband’s aunt and both grandmas, and a handful of texts from other people. So on top of dealing with my own grief and dealing with the trauma of having a miscarriage at home, I now had to text all these people back because they wanted to know how I was doing. Last week, we had to go to a family funeral on his side. So I knew my miscarriage would be brought up. It was of course brought up by his grandma (who I do not get along with) within 5 minutes of seeing her. She asked me “how do you feel about your miscarriage” then proceeded to ask numerous other intrusive and inappropriate questions including “what my mom thought about it” (yes the entire family knew before I could even call my mom). I eventually walked away after telling her I was done having the conversation. It was pretty evident that most of the family knew but were tiptoeing around me during the trip. It makes me upset that so many people know the most intimate and traumatic experience of my life when I specifically told my in laws not to tell anyone. I understand my in laws didn’t know how to support us and thought having “strength in numbers” would help. My husband thinks I should move on from being so upset at his family because there’s nothing we can do now and his parents already apologized. But it’s hard to get over the blatant disregard to our boundaries. It makes me sad that my first instinct when we get pregnant again is to not tell anyone well into the second or third trimester, and the fact that now everyone knows we’re trying when I didn’t want anyone having that information either. Am I overreacting and should I just move on like my husband suggests? How can I get over this?