People who want Permanent Daylight Time are Selfish

Edit: I hate this subreddit just as much as the leftist subreddits. It's like its own brand of idiotic. Like, yeah, lets fuck over everyone's health for a preference around daylight hours. Fuck off.

Most jobs let you show up a early, but you look bad if you show up late.

If it's "so bad" watching the sunset at 4:30 when you're leaving work, how about you get your ass out of bed sooner and leave at 3:30. If it's so important to you, why don't you just do it? If you can't do it, why should you force everyone else on the planet to do it to bend to your whim?

Daylight savings needs to go away, and we should go back to standard time. I already shut the blinds at 7:30 to block out the light.

Also, guess what? Winter is DARK no matter what you do. No amount of bitching and whining is going to change the rotation of the earth. You're just a crybaby with a preference who thinks that your preference is the right thing for EVERYONE.

Standard time gives people the flexibility to wake up early if they please, or normally with the sun. Sleep experts stand by STANDARD time because the human body sets the circadian rhythm with BRIGHT LIGHT EARLY IN THE MORNING. If you're getting up before the sun rises, you're literally just killing your sleep.

Standard time is called STANDARD time because it's what we agreed on well before the industrial era.

I'm not even a night owl. I literally just wake up with the sun, and every year at daylight savings time, I am forced to get out of bed before the sun comes up and I hate everything for like 3 weeks until I finally adjust.