The college discourse on consent has done more harm than good
This wasn't brought about by anything regarding sexual assault, but instead by a post I read about two guys in Arkansas shooting each other (with bulletproof vests on) when drunk. There appears to be a widespread misconception that you cannot consent to anything when you're drunk. I think that this misunderstanding is a product of college sexual assault briefings, which cause people to blur the lines between a legal and moral conception of consent.
People seem to not get that there's a difference between legal intoxication (or too drunk to drive) and being incapacitated. You can consent to almost anything with a BAC of 0.08 from a legal standpoint. If you are able to walk around, you can probably consent. Additionally, there is a difference between voluntary and involuntary intoxication. An adult should know that consuming an intoxicant will make them drunk.
I believe that colleges do everyone a disservice by not offering some kind of disclaimer by saying that someone who has consumed alcohol is unable to give consent, because that standard has no teeth outside of the institution's policies and probably causes people to take more risky behaviors than they would otherwise.