My partner is completely irresponsible with money and I'm considering breaking up

I apologize in advance for any grammar/spelling mistakes, english is not my first language.
For context: me (27F) and my bf (25M) have been in a relationship for 5 years and living together in my father's house for 4 (in my country living costs are really high so it's pretty common to still stay with your parents beyond your 20's).
At the end of last year my bf decided he needed a new phone for posting content (tiktok and reels) since his current phone's camera wasn't good and his career (gym instructor/ personal trainer) could use a boost from social media. While I agreed that a new phone with a better camera would help and I knew that he had saved some money, I asked him to wait a little longer (1 month or 2) before making any impulsive puchases since I was unemployed at the time and that money could be used for any emergencies.
Well, he disregarded everything I said and decided to buy the phone anyway, and to make a long story short, it was a scam in wich he lost almost $800. To say I was disappointed is an understatement because i told him before, that even though the money was his and he could use it any way he wanted, the shop was really suspicious and it was better to buy from an official store if he was going to spend that much in a phone.
It was really frustrating but I tried to help him contact his bank to see if there was anything we could do and to my surprise they refund almost half of the money, but my happiness was short lived because the very next day he fell for another scam and lost both the recovered money plus $300 ($250 from his account and $50 from mine). I was livid at this point, the car had broken down (another $600 expense), we had no way to pay our share of the bills plus the repair costs and he had to ask for money from his mother (bless her) to solve everything, but we survived.
Well, now I'm employed and things were better until yesterday when he told me he was thinking again about buying the phone, to wich I told him: "no way, not right now", since we're not completely stable yet to spend that much money and I thought he would be at least a bit more mindful since we're still paying for his poor decisions from last year and we barely have money for bills, but he didn't want to listen to my reasoning, kept justifying why he needed it and I'm sure he'll buy it even though he knows that if he does that I'll have to cover his share of house expenses and I'm honestly mentally and emotionally exhausted, I feel like he isn't my partner anymore, just an oversized toddler and it's draining me.
For additional context: he's been betting his money on soccer games and although he wins most of them, last week he almost lost all of the grocery money :)
Our currency is not USD, so those are all approximate values.
If you survived my ranting, thank you for reading everything.