I (F19) got blocked by someone because they thought I lied about my age


I feel hurt and just wanted to get it out of my system so I'm not down the rest of my day.

Basically I was trying to make a joke that was "I have the body of a 70 year old but I'm only 19" and for some reason I had a brain fart and said "i have the body of a 17 year old". I caught myself and said "no wait" but he freaked out and I was trying to tell him what I meant to say but he hung up. After that I tried telling him I misspoke and it was a joke but he never responded.

I went to sleep because I didn't want to spam him. I woke up the next morning to one message: "yeah no, you didn't misspeak, you lied." And he blocked me.

I feel awful, one because he probably thinks he was talking to a minor the whole time and two, we met when I was in a bad headspace. He let me vent to him and he was just a really cool guy. I knew it most likely wasn't going to go anywhere but man. And the thing is I sent him a pic of my id too and I thought that would be enough.

I'm not blaming him he's just trying to be safe and I was pretty immature.

What should I do to get over this?

[Edit]: thanks for the tips n stuff I really appreciate it! But also GUYS I DIDN'T SEND HIM PERSONAL INFORMATION JUST MY BIRTHDAY 😭😭. We had been talking for months already and he and I both shared secrets to each other so it wasn't some "random guy". I feel like an idiot but it's a lesson well learned.