Boyfriend lied about his sexuality and cheated on me with so many guys that you can't count
I'm a depressed 27f and my boyfriend is 28m. We began our relationship in 2019 and have been together until 2025, experiencing several breakups due to our issues. The first time he left me for a couple of months, he accused me of being unfaithful, even though I didn't. The second time, we were apart for about a year; he again blamed me, stating he didn’t feel my love because I was devastated by discovering things he had done behind my back over the years, such as flirting with other girls and sexting them (which I found out about and confronted him at that time).
The third time we brooke up for two years, and he accused me of being annoying and jealous, despite the fact that he initiated this relationship and was highly controlling and jealous. It was exhausting dealing with him, as he made me sacrifice all my dreams and always made me feel like a wh**e because i talk to guys at public places whitch he didn't approve at anytime of the relashionship. every break up we had he always blamed me and i felt fragile and lifeless and hated myself even more and barely could get off bed and had no one to get me on my feet sooner (because i didn't have any close girlfriends, as i only had him 24/7 in the years we were together). I was overwhelmed with the heartbreak when he revealed the truth about his sexuality a week ago and that everytime we brooke up he was getting fu**ed everyday by a different guy; I found myself both crying and laughing, flooded with so many emotions.I felt betrayed and manipulated; it left me feeling terrible and really down. Why would he do this to me? What did I do to earn this? He could have been honest with me at any point, but instead he always made me feel like I was the bad one in the relationship. It’s confusing how he could flirt with so many girls while also identifying as gay (he told me he realized he was gay since childhood but tried to change for me). Nothing about this adds up; I have so many questions that I just can’t comprehend why and how this all happened!
I’m just trying to understand what I should feel or do about everything that has happened to me; I feel like I’m sinking again because I feel so exploited and manipulated. I really can’t comprehend how a jealous and possessive guy could lie about everything like that. (And yes, he has always been a liar, which is why I can’t tell his lies apart from the truth.)
Update: am getting tested next week and hopefully i didn't get anything, since he told me they guys who slept with him always used condoms..