I swear my boyfriend doesn’t know me

I woke up to my boyfriend telling me he bought me tickets to see an abba cover band for Valentine’s Day. I don’t even listen to abba like that, I like one song that everybody else likes. I’ve mentioned for months how I want to see linkin park when they come to my state, and I get abba. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but damn I play my music in the car all the time and not once has abba come on. I think I have one song on my phone from the BeeGees and he took that as I love all disco. I even told him yesterday, I don’t like all disco music, I like the one song. Im just very disappointed because last year for Valentine’s Day I got him tickets to see a rapper that he constantly talks about and listens to. It’s been over a year of this crap and I’m tired of it. I don’t think he even cares, but I’ll play it off I guess

Edit: I guess I need to clarify. I did not ask for Linkin Park tickets. I didn’t expect tickets to anything when I woke up this morning. I mentioned LP because it’s an interest of mine that I talk about a lot, whereas I have never expressed a huge interest in ABBA. I’m not leaving him because of this one thing. I live with a man who constantly talks shit about my friends and family, who constantly jokes about his ex calling him toxic and abusive, despite him showing me abusive traits. I have never once really been complimented by him. I did my makeup once and he said I looked fancy. I asked him to tell me how he feels about me and I got yelled at. He’s done a lot for me, and I appreciate it until he holds it over my head. All my friends and family don’t think he’s the one for me but I also can’t stay with any of them, so I’m currently stuck until I have my finances on the right track. I’m hoping deep down in my heart that things can be better, but my brain knows that this is a man who will change for no one. It hurts because I love this guy a lot, but I’m so fucking exhausted