Might fuck around get my coworker deported


This mf has been harassing me for fucking months. I slept with him a couple times LAST JULY and he won’t get over it. He says I “cant just stop” sleeping with him. He calls and texts all the fucking time. Shows up at my apartment or tell me he happens to be in the neighborhood when he lives 30 FUCKING MINUTES away. Gets mad when I ignore him. This only reason I haven’t reported him to HR is cause I don’t want people knowing my business. I have emphasized and told him so many fucking times he makes me uncomfortable! And I think he’s mentally slow cause he can’t seem to take a hint.

Anyway, he told me his ex wife tried to get him deported, so not sure if his current status. But fuck.. might do that shit too cause he won’t leave me the fuck alone.

I won’t do it.. but I’m tempted:(