Could someone please tell me, how having a loving mother is like?
TW: mentions of violence and CSA
I (17M) often hear about loving mother's. You often see accomplished people pay special gratitude to their mothers. Be it famous people paying special gratitude to their mothers on stage of an award show. Be it people thanking their single mother's for sacrificing themselves for them. Always believing in them and caring for them.
Motherhood is essentially represented as something essential. Something precious and dazzingly beautiful. The mother is the light in their child's life. It's nurturing the child to blossom into a beautiful flower. A mother's love should be "unconditional."
These are all the things I hear about mother's. I envy everyone, that was able to experience the dazzling light of a caring mother. Giving them warmth through all difficult times.
These things are unbelievably difficult for me to understand.
Whenever I hear about people describing their experiences with their mothers.
They talk about their mothers as nurturing and the guiding light in their life. They are there for them in the face of adversity.
When I hear things like that I feel envy. Because my mother didn't care about me. She didn't help me through adversity. She didn't listen to the screeching noise coming from me.
When I self hrmed she used it against me. I remember her one time saying to me and I quote: "You shouldn't ct yourself I should because you had it easy in life!" or "I should sh*ot myself with a shotgun not you, because i'm going through real pain!" My mother also regretted bringing me into this world. I remember she said multiple times that, if she knew, how I turned out she wouldn't have had me.
When I was in one violent situation which she caused. She threatened to kll me. Saying nobody would care if I ded, because I deserved it.
My mother's "kindness" also wasn't "unconditional." Whenever I didn't fit the image of the perfect son or bothered her a bit too much. She started to hate me. Then she didn't want me and threatened to kick me out, which would have made me homeless.
My mother also wasn't a guiding light helping me to grow up. She didn't teach me many things. Because it was too exhausting to teach something to a child for her. She just wanted to lie on the sofa all day long and watch crime shows or true crime shows on the TV.
She didn't even care if a fragile child like me sees things like true crime. She just wanted to watch TV in peace. When I dared to talk a bit too loud while she watched TV she would scream at me saying how much of a burden I am and many more things.
She never cared and I don't know how a loving mother should be like. She only cared about herself. Her own ego and pleasure. Why i'm saying pleasure you might ask? That's because she also used me as an object of wicked pleasure for herself s*xually assaulting me multiple times.
When I remember all these things and I hear about loving mother's I get jealous.
That's why I would wish to know how it would feel like to have a loving mother.
Could maybe some of you reading this tell me, how it feels like to have a loving mother? I also want to know, how a loving mother would have treated me.