I think my girlfriend is gonna dump me.
My (30M) girlfriend Anna (29F) has started withdrawing from me recently and I think it’s because I let my sister back into my life.
My sister Jamie and Anna used to be friends but, to be perfectly honest, Jamie is a fake person and had admitted that she had been being fake towards Anna and admitted that she had talked bad about Anna behind her back. She had also said some really cruel things to Anna and so did her husband.
For a few months, I stopped talking to my sister but I had started to miss her. So I decided to go talk to Jamie and start to reconnect with her. To say that Anna was pissed is an understatement. She went off on a rant about how I’m “enabling my fake bitch of a sister.” She said that I just basically showed Jamie that if she treats people like shit, I’ll eventually start making excuses for her behavior because “family.” She also said that it was disrespectful of me to want a relationship with a sister who was not even just fake towards her, but also cruel. She said that Jamie owes her a huge apology but I know my sister isn’t gonna apologize. And I told Anna that. But now Anna isn’t really speaking to me and says she’s lost respect and trust for me. I just wish there was a way to keep the peace without pissing someone off. But Jamie is my sister. I can’t just cut her out.