I often fantasise about my neighbour who is 15 years older than me.
I 31(F) find my neighbour (56M) very attractive. He’s not conventionally handsome, but he’s rough and rugged and tough. We chat when we see each other but nothing too deep. He is on and off with his long term girlfriend and currently they’ve been split up for four weeks. They live separately.
Last year he did some house work for me. He asked my mother whilst I was out how old I was and when she told him he said I was too young for him and it was a shame (he said it in a humoured way).
Every day, he watches me in his window, where he sits and smokes a cigarette, walk to my house, the same time every day. Whenever I remember I look up and wave and he waves back.
That being said he’s always very respectful and has never made a direct move on me. Not made any pervy remarks.
Though sometimes I wish he would. Guess it stays as a fantasy and he is a good man to have on your side when all is said and done. He’s like a protector. I’d go to him for help.
Just needed to get it off my chest.
Edit: sorry, 25 years older than me 😂 I had a headache and a typo