The problem I have with Perfect Blue's ending

After recently finishing Satoshi Kon's anime series, Paranoia Agent, I felt the need to revisit his most famous work, Perfect Blue. I am someone who really loved Perfect Blue during my first watch. Kon's artistic direction throughout each scene is some of the best I've seen, but every time I watch this film, I dread the ending.

I feel Satoshi Kon struggles to properly concluded his projects. There are quite a few gripes I have with the Perfect Blue ending that really frustrates me.

Lack of thematic consistency

  • At the end of the film, it is revealed that Mima's manager, Rumi, was behind the internet blog, Mima's room and that Rumi's apartment is a replica of Mima's.
  • This reveal was done really well. The music really does an amazing job making the audience instantly tense up from the idea that she could've been at a separate apartment for many scenes throughout the film.
  • Despite the scene being well directed, I felt as if this came out of nowhere. For a twist to work, thematically, it has to parallel the themes present throughout the film.
  • Mima's story is a representation of how the entertainment industry, and to a larger extent, society as a whole, influences and places pressure on women and their public image. Idol Mima is this societal pressure personified
  • But with this ending, it is revealed that Idol Mima latches onto envy and those who vicariously live through others. The idea that the other women's desire to be this 'ideal woman' (like Idol Mima) contributes negatively to this social pressure placed on women.
  • This is not something that is ever explored in the film (outside of one scene of Rumi casually mentioning that she use to be an idol)
  • The film places a stronger focus on how perverted men who are sexually obsessive create this toxic environment.
  • So for the finale to be centered around this theme feels incohesive.
  • If the film had explored these themes before hand, I would have less issue with it.


I have quite a few other small nitpicks about the ending, mainly how it ends in the footchase, but these minor things I can look past. The ending's disconnect from the main theme of the film is where all my disappoints are rooted in.

Please argue with these points. I really want to enjoy this ending. I still love the film (gave it a 8/10) but this could've easily been a 10/10 if the ending had stuck. In a film so expertly crafted, the ending feels so out of place.