Alright, time to destroy QoP
You guys really liked the sniper post so I thought hey let's keep going and figure out how to knock out all the cancer bs midlaners. Let's beat the freaking whore
Alright, to the animations and stats
- Attack point is really bad, she has enormously huge windup of 0.56
- But she has advantage with her projectile speed, 1500, that's actually pretty good
- her attack range is 550 which is kinda ok I'd say in the middle
- Also she has really huge base damage, her lvl1 is 51-57, that's actually more than a typical, but I'm not considering melee mids into this equation, then obviously they out damage her
What pisses me off when playing vs her
Daggers. Just by saying it some of you guys must get the chills on your back, it's just such an annoying ability to lane against, even if it doesn't kill you right away it forces you to spend so much money on resources just to be able to soak that exp. I hate it
Screams. This is her waveclear and her main damage no ultimate nuke probably. With facet and Kaya I'm pretty sure she can easily one shot the wave, with shard I'm sure she does. Which gives her a rune control, and not only she waveclears, she also has the freaking blink!
So about blink - it's annoying! You try to kill her and she just throws a dagger, screams, and blinks out. Goddammit! And obviously the rune control is just superior on her, I don't know a hero that might control them better - maybe Puck? Pudge mid XD?
Alright, but what also pisses me off is actually the combination of ALL that. It's all together just makes a hero that is atrocious to play against. A constantly blinking bitch that nux and right clix u to death is disgusting, she buys dagon and she get another nuke source, disgusting. And she's also Fat! She buys KayaSange, she often goes BKB, Shiva, Linken, dagon gives stats, it's disgusting...
My thoughts so far - I can only think of a Puck to be honest. The only hero that can dodge her spells completely, has the same if not better waveclears, completely better as a rune control hero with his orb abuse and the most importantly he's the guy that can catch her all the time, and with lvl 25 it can be done reliably even through BKB. And you all know what Puck with aghs and items does late game, 5 man dream coil with refresherer can be a wipe out
And I also don't know if Puck can throw an orb, tp back to the base and orb back to refill his bootle, correct me if I'm right or wrong
So, what are your thoughts on this?