Actual antisemitism

Let me know if I'm overreacting, but it's just something I'm thinking about and would like your take.

Obviously far right wing Americans, who already didn't care for Jews, still don't care for them. Whatever.

  1. Israel (mostly Jews), is fucking horrendous and makes the rest of Jews look bad. A lot of people can't draw the distinction and just pull the Jew hate. Fine.

  2. This Columbia shit is fucking absurd:

I'm not sure what the goal is here for the govt, other than Zionists in the white house having Trump's ear and having him act on it. But seriously, this, looks like special treatment for Jews. Columbia students are not Israeli. This is sorta fucked, no? I think we will only see increased Jew hate going forward because of shit like this.

What do you think? I think that Aipac is causing more harm to Jews, and I think it might be intentional? Idk. Enlighten me.

Edit: what I'm trying to say is that if I didn't know any better, I wouldn't like Jews. (Yes, I'm a Jew)