F.I.r.e.d fuck me to tears
Sooo this is rough, first time in my life I’ve been fired without warning.
Picked up a load of bentonite clay in AL and was supposed to deliver it to York PA Super sacks loaded single row. Asked if I could strap/use load locks on load, no absolutely no one is allowed in the trailer after loading. This is common so I say ok and the guy seals it. I write blind load on BOL and go on my way.
Well I made it to Harrisburg without issue, only to get cut off by a guy pulling a camper. I felt the load move, but no hard brake warning. I got to the shipper and they rejected the load at 6am immediately after breaking the seal.
Just got told to bring the truck back to AR and clean it out. Feeling pretty lost at the moment, as me and my family were going to be moving to OK soon.
Edit:thank you all for the support I know I can find another job I was just finally ready to move to a better state/location and this fucked up my plans. Currently parked for the night but should be back home tomorrow sometime. I’m not going to ditch the truck because I don’t want to make my dac look worse than it’s going to with these assholes being mad.
When/if I find another job and am feeling secure again I’ll mention the company name. It’s a smaller company that’s still widely known/seen i don’t need to dox myself starting to think this post may have been too detailed lol.
Edit #2 I just got home gonna take some time off from everything related to trucking. Maybe I’ll be blessed to find a different kind of job.
I’m not gonna name the company itself but I will recommend some advice.
If a company doesn’t actually have a MC# do NOT work for them. This shithole “company” runs under a common carrier’s dot/mc number who also provide all the loads and some of the dispatching.
If you know double brokering, this is kind of like that, but it’s two different trucking “companies” under one’s #s