Truck Camper vs Travel Trailer

For those driving large truck bed campers on large trucks, I am wondering what you like about the truck bed camper vs a travel trailer. It seems to me that you can get a 7k travel trailer in good condition, used for pretty cheap, and tow it fairly comfortably with a 1/2tn truck. On the other hand, a 4k truck bed camper is pretty pricey and you would need a 1tn truck + to haul it. And you're still of course limited to what can fit in the bed of a truck.

I like the idea of a small minimalist truck bed camper that you can get to places you never could with a travel trailer. However, when you have these monster campers on monster trucks are you really getting to hard to reach places or are you staying on the road? Seems like you get to a point with truck bed campers where you get a diminishing return on investment. I've been inside some of these big boys and they just seem more crammed than my northstar TC 650 with a bunch more heavy stuff, and maybe less space.

If you want an air-conditioning, microwave, shower and an oven, wouldn't it be better to get a travel trailer?