Fourth International poster in Persian showing Trotsky and his son Sedov, who both were murdered by Stalin

This was a little gimmicky thing I made when I was bored

The top text says: “Martyrs of Proletarian Internationalism are Immortal!”

From right-to-left: Lev Sedoof, Enternasyoonal-e Chehar, Leon Trootski

(Lev Sedov, The Fourth International, Leon Trotsky)

This was a little gimmicky thing I made when I was bored

The top text says: “Martyrs of Proletarian Internationalism are Immortal!”

From right-to-left: Lev Sedoof, Enternasyoonal-e Chehar, Leon Trootski

(Lev Sedov, The Fourth International, Leon Trotsky)