Trouble Using Trinity Display Manager On Debian 12.9

Edit: Found a solution, thanks to 807Autoflowers!

"What happens on some TDE installs is that X tries to start before the drivers for the GPU are loaded. I have ran into this before, from the TTY you can restart the display manager service and it works, but booting to the graphical target does not.

This is the script I included with matrixOS to handle the issue."


Hi all,

I've fresh installed Debian 12.9 with the "Graphical Desktop Environment" setting unticked in the setup wizard.

As a result Debian booted into a text environment, which I wanted. I then followed these instructions to the letter to install the latest version of the Trinity Desktop Environment, the full package

Everything is working fantastic, there are no problems because it's just a simple matter of logging in on the tty1 text login prompt that comes up, then typing "startx" and the GUI fully loads.

However, I would like a graphical login screen and this is where the trouble starts. I made sure the tdm.service is started, I also changed the target to "" using the systemctl command.

Debian confirms that it is now running on a graphical target, tdm.service is running...but I still get a text based tty1 login screen instead of the Trinity Display Manager login screen.

How do I fix this if possible? I am aware I could just use Q4OS, and I was up until today but I just wanted to see how far I could get by setting the whole thing up myself, which I have done!

I just need to try and enable the Trinity Display manager next, and this is where I am really stuck.

Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem may be? I double checked and the TDM itself is installed.

Thank you!