Coming off meds question!

Hi there! I saw every doctor possible (Primary, dentist, root canal specialist, ent, neuro) and what they have come up with was TN and now lately, TMJ. I do clench a lot. Not really a grinder, just a clincher. I’m getting a night guard this month. I’ve been on Carbamazepine for 10 weeks now- and I want to try to come off to see if it is more TMJ related, because my pain was more related to TMJ symptoms… but the pain was more intense than what most would say TMJ would feel like. I was having a lot of anxiety at the time and my husband and I are not trying to conceive- which is why I want off of these meds! I was also given pain meds and steriods for the first week I was on the carb, so I’m curious if it was a bad TMJ flair up- So, I am on the scaling down process of lowering my dose every 5 days, per my Neuro. Does anyone have any input into how soon I would tell if the pain is going to come back right now since I’m lowering my dose? Is it something that happens quick or do I have to be off of them for a while to notice? Thanks!