Travel Nursing is STILL worth it!

I was browsing this subreddit today and I couldn’t help but notice the amount of people stating that travel nursing is no longer worth it! I wholeheartedly disagree. If you’re someone that’s young, doesn’t have any kids, and is pretty flexible with their locations, then travel nursing is still 100% very much worth it!

Let me break down some numbers for you. I am currently on a 3K/36 hour a week contract in the midwest. After taxes, I am bringing home $2700 a week. My rent here is $1300 a month. After all my expenses, I am saving roughly 8500$ a month.

Before I left to travel, I was making $35 an hour as a staff nurse in a very expensive state on the east coast. After taxes, I was only bringing home $1700-$1800 every TWO weeks. I literally couldn’t afford to move out of my parent’s house. Rent would have cost me a minimum of 1800$ a month here for a studio. So you can see the huge difference in pay and the amount of money i’ve been able to save as a travel nurse vs staff.

Not to mention the traveling aspect, meeting new people, exploring different areas and trying new restaurants! I could go on. Travel nursing is STILL worth it.