how to navigate being trans in the workplace?
i've fallen into the habit of just letting the majority of my coworkers misgender me in the workplace despite them knowing i'm trans.
and the other day, one of my coworkers politely corrected another employee when they accidentally misgendered me and she got a bit frustrated and called me a "she, he, whatever."
and in the past, another coworker has expressed their opinion that "being transgender is something you're taught" to be.
my coworkers can be pretty stubborn and reluctant to change/correction, and in order to just prevent the potential backlash of reminding them of my pronouns i usually just try to ignore them and continue like nothing happened when they use the wrong pronouns.
and it's gotten to the point where i listen for every pronoun just in case they are talking to me.
does anyone have any advice on how i should go about this?