are my levels too high?
I started monotherapy a month ago,(but was on hrt for 2 years, i had low dose o oral first year and low dose of gel the second(i hate my endo)) i continued with gel and AA or the first couple weeks lowering the doses as it went on, i took the last 12.5 mg o CPA two weeks ago, cue to yesterday i tried checking my levels and the results are 453 pg/ML beta 17 estradiol and 0.47 nmol/L testosterone, i checked so early because i was starting to feel like i was masculinizing(new facial hair popping up, erections etc.) and was having mood swings and nausea, the analisys was done one week anfter the last injection(every 7 days 0.14 ml een 50mg/ml), im scared my levels could be too high and maybe i should switch to 0.7 ml or at least 0.10