Should I go full time?

I quit my remote job in n December making about 180k/yr. I’m 35, always traded on the side. Decided to collect unemployment and make trading my full time job for now. I’ve net $111k ytd trading options and swing trading. Got 450k capital in my trading accounts, another 500k in retirement, no debt. Hate corporate America so much but it’s obv the safe bet. Unemployment ends in June, would love to go full time just don’t know standard protocol and asset requirements to take this risk. Any advice from someone in a similar spot would be greatly appreciated.


I am collecting unemployment LEGALLY in my state. I was appointed an unqualified and horrible boss.. after 8 years at this company, I maintained a great relationship with my bosses boss where he “fired” me as I collected severance due to my dedication to the company.

I am also not lying about trading profit, what is the point of anonymously lying about success on Reddit? How the hell do you post screenshots on this app so I can prove this?