I hate drifts, please help me understand them.

Like the title says, I hate drifting in TM. I’m a pretty new player. Been playing off and on for about a year now, so I’m not completely incompetent. I know to reduce airtime, pay attention to gears, ice slide, and other basic stuff. I don’t have too much of a problem getting gold medals on campaign tracks, and if it’s a map I like I’ll commit 15 minutes to an hour and a half to get the author time. I also just recently got the Xbox achievement for 200 gold medals

I just cant ever wrap my head around drifting most of the time. I know that it is 100% a skill issue, but I don’t know why. I’ve tried videos almost none of them work because most explain stuff like I just touched TM for the first time.

I know it’s one of the most basic things in TM but I just don’t know why I can’t drift most of the time. 60% of the time nothing happens when I turn and brake and the car just leaves sh!t marks. 35% of the time I turn too sharp or to wide and the remaining 5% is when I get lucky and do it right.

I know that you need to be already turning in the direction you want to drift for a certain amount of time, but it feels like an eternity.

I also haven’t been able to find out whether I keep holding accelerate or let go.

What is weird is my best track style is full speed. I’ve been told to stay away from the style when starting out, but I’m pretty okay at it. If you consider my playtime, I’m good at full speed.

P.S. (not as important) I haven’t been able to find out how much you want to steer in a bobsleigh turn. Every post on Reddit every vid all of them say just worry about the entry or they are from pre patch. But I have the entry down and just need to know the turning.