35 and need double replacement…..

Need major help here from people who have been in my shoes or have had replacements done. The summary is as follows:

Unfortunately I’m 35 in relatively good shape. Workout 5 days a week. I have hip dysplasia since I was a kid and it’s caught up to me. I’m bone on bone. No cartilage left pretty much and I have a labral tear in left hip. The right one is on the way but nowhere near as bad. I’ve been approved by insurance for a full double hip replacement. I have seen FIVE doctors. Each one says “I’ll do it. BUT I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU WAIT AS LONG AS YOU CAN”. So we’ve tried cortisone after cortisone shots. They last one month max and I am back to not being able to walk for more then 3 minutes. PT did nothing for me. I am going back for my follow ups and I’m fed up with being so limited in life from my hips and in pain all day.

PLEASE guys. Some guidance from my fellow hip replacement survivors?! Does anyone have any experiences they can share? The doctors keep telling me to wait but I’m tired of being so limited in life. Any input guys? Was it worth it for you? Should you have done it sooner?

Any input appreciated!