Would you allow foreign buyers if they are restricted to purchasing new development units they must rent out?

Aus provides an exemption from its ban for new construction. Some Canadians are proposing an exemption to our ban for new construction that is rented out for 25 years. Would you support this? Likely this leads to more development and lower rents, but also leads to somewhat higher home prices and more foreign ownership as a %.

A note that there are quite a few stereotypes/lies surrounding this conversation. Pre-tax/ban in 2016 foreign ownership in Canada hovered around 1-2% and in Vancouver/Toronto CMA's where it was highest it was 2.2% and 2.3% respectfully. Smaller cities like Calgary saw 0.9% or Ottawa at 0.6%. A note that these stats are pre-tax/ban so you can't argue that people were hiding ownership to avoid the tax/ban.



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