"Hold a minute, THIS IS CANON/OFFICIAL!?" and stuff that's too absurd to believe even for where it comes from.
1- Sonic x Hooters crossover, no, i'm not joking. It happened during 2017 when Sonic Forces was released.
2- Tyrone vs Manny, citing from the wiki: "The test animation in question was a test created by Rotting Hills (yet another Nelvana show) creator Glen Wyand (bipbibop) so he could transfer into Nelvana's 3D department (since Rotting Hills, as well as his other work up to that point, were 2D); this was his first time touching 3D animation software Maya. Wyand started off following the storyboards, but halfway through the test, when Manny says "Don't worry tools.", due to the fact that Wyand didn't get any sleep, he suddenly decided to add a little extra action to the end as described above. Fortunately, his supervisor had a sense of humor and thus, accepted the test, which lead to Wyand joining the 3D department."
3- Felix Faure's death, don't be fooled by the portrait, this president of France died indirectly by oral sex. According to the legend, Marguerite Steinheil was performing oral sex on him when he suffered a fatal stroke, his convulsed hands tangled in her hair. A medicine historian pointed out that Felix was suffering of tachycardia, which leaded to this tragedy.