Is it right to put full/partial blame on the victim of grooming on some cases?

Recently I found out there was a scandal in the school I just started teaching. Last year, a 39yo chemistry teacher was found dating his 14yo student. He was fired of course, but he wasn't charged with anything. From the news, their relationship was revealed because someone borrowed the girl's phone, and took pictures of all her convos and call logs with multiple older guys, and spread it around the school. The teacher wasn't the only older guy she was seeing, there were several other older guys (in their 40s and 50s). I was shown these screenshots and was surprised that she not only entertained their sexual flirts and favors, but she also instigated a lot of them.

According to her friends, her mother didn't seem to disagree much with her action as long as the guy has a good stable job and comes from money. The girl also seemed to be weirdly proud and showoff-ey about her relationships. The way everybody in school, especially the students, look down on her like she was the most problematic one was kinda off-putting. I can't deny that yes she acts way too promiscuous for a 14yo, but this girl probably has no good adult figure in her life who protects and guides her through. Her mother sounds like a piece of work, and she has no father. Teachers don't care enough to ask this girl to join any kind of counseling, and friends secretly mock her behind her back. Someone made an argument that she's old enough to know that sending NSFW pics to random multiple guys is wrong, especially married one (yes one of the guys was married), which I agree. Even when I acknowledge her actions were wrong, I still can't find myself putting the blame on her. I blame all the adults who failed her. What's your thought on this?

P.s. by not blaming her, I don't mean I excuse her actions at all. She still needs to realize what she's doing is destructive to herself and hopefully she gets to get some type of therapy to work through her issues. I'm an outsourced teacher who only comes every Saturday for an hr to teach extracurricular activity. She's not my student, never met her at all.