Should I go to the hospital just to be dismissed with a 10k bill?

For context: My husband and I were erm- fooling around last night with a toy... He went a little too hard and I told him to stop, which he did, but my (TMI) inner wall (vaginal) that is shared with the anus, was cramping pretty bad. I didn't think much of it, we cleaned up and I took some acetaminophen for the pain, and went to bed a little sore.

Fast forward: I woke up at about 4am in the most pain I've ever been in in my life, worse than breaking bones. My shoulders were locked up, my chest was right and I could barely breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out or throw up. So I run to the bathroom, where I can't sit up at the toilet to throw up. I've got sweat literally dropping off of me, so I strip and laid on the cold tile floor in front of the vent, trying to cool off, and I pass out. I wake up a few mins later, throw up, and went back to bed in pain. I slept for another 2 hours, hubby gets up to go to work, and I go sit in the bottom of the shower, hoping the hot water will alleviate some tension and pain. I sat there for about an hour, until the water went cold, still struggling to breathe and in a lot of pain, so I went back to lay down and slept for another couple hours.

I am still in excruciating pain, I can't move my shoulders or hardly use my arms at all, my chest and ribs feel like they could explode, my stomach is swollen and full of trapped gas bc I can't squeeze my abdominal muscles, and my pelvic area is still just as sore as ever, making it hard to move... Husband is going to come home soon with some ibuprofen for the inflammation, but I don't know that that will be enough.

Should I bite the bullet and go to the hospital that I can't afford, or is there someone out there that has had a similar experience, or has any advice? Please, anything will help at this point. I'm willing to try anything to get some relief at this point, I'm just really trying to avoid the ER. TIA.

UPDATE: Went to the ER, they did a CT scan and ran blood and urine tests, it's NOT SEPSIS! (yay!) but rather a ruptured ovarian cyst that was causing some internal bleeding. I just got discharged with a script and follow up information, and an order for bed rest. ❤️ Thank you everyone for your concern... it means a lot... Now to wait for the bill (the true scary part)