When Will It End????

I had my tonsils removed on 12/2 so if that is Day 1, today is day 8. This has been the worst experience of my entire life. I simply do not know how to keep going. I am so nauseous and in so much pain, I don’t know what to do anymore. I have thrown up three times from the oxy I am prescribed, but if I miss a dose even by a small margin of time, I am in agony. I am also rather dizzy and just overall suffering. What was everybody’s worst day and when did things start to turn around for you? I am laying in a bath tub to sooth my neck and ears because it’s the only thing that seems to help, but I’m worried about getting an ear infection. My scabs are falling off, but not too quickly. I don’t know what else to do, I feel like I want to just cry in a little ball for hours. Please help me.


I already had a prescription for Zofran and had been using it consistently, but it was not very helpful.

About one hour after this post, I took my next oxy and about five mins later I threw up which tore my scabs and caused excessive bleeding. I went to the ER where they switched me to morphine instead of oxy in hopes that it is more gentle on my stomach. They gave me an IV which improved my overall well being and some more zofran. If I bleed again, I have to go back to the OR and get some sort of special coating on my scabs. Hoping I can avoid this. They also told me I’m welcome to return to urgent care for another IV if I think it would help. Thanks everyone for your input.